Prayer Walk
What is it?
The contemplative dimension of walking comes through my presence to the world around me and to what is moving through me as I walk. -Christine Valters Paintner
A prayer walk can happen anywhere, anytime. You may try on a trail, in your neighborhood, around the building where you work.
While this is an embodied practice, it’s not really about getting physical exercise. This kind of walk is simply about being present to God in a particular moment in time.
How to Begin?
Try walking at a slower pace. Perhaps, walk heel to toe as much as possible. Really sensing “what is moving thru you as you walk”.
As you walk, look around and notice. Colors, lines, objects, people. Get curious.
If you pass people, wonder about them. How do they encounter you God. Offer a gentle blessing like this one: May they feel loved.
This is also such an embodied practice. So, take time to just feel what it’s like to be in your skin. How do your muscles feel? What senses do you find yourself engaging? Let this walk be an invitation to full presence.