Imaginative Prayer

What is it?

It’s a way of encountering God through our God-given imagination. Through the use of senses and focused questions, we place ourselves in a story from our sacred text. Then we wander and wonder through the narrative with the Divine. Many of us have heard stories from the Bible over and again. Imaginative Prayer can help us hear these accounts with fresh ears and, then, help us settle into a deeper connection with God.

How to begin?

Slowly read or listen to a passage of scripture (interactions with Jesus work particularly well). Then, ask some of these prompts:

  • What does this scene smell like? sound like? look like? feel like?

  • What kind of facial expressions are on the peoples’ faces?

  • Where in your body do you experience this story?

  • What does the sky look like?

  • Place yourself in the scene. Where are you in relation to Jesus?

Other Helpful Resources

Check out this podcast.

Check out this book, Imaginative Prayer by Jared Patrick Boyd…while geared toward children, all of us can benefit.


Forgiveness Prayer


Lectio Divina